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Exclusive Resources for Carole Herder’s Book: There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven

We hope you enjoy these three educational webinar videos!

1. Dr. Tomas Teskey: Hoof Health – Fact Vs. Fiction

Dr. Tomas Teskey explains the purpose of the Veterinary Oath and his theories of natural hoof care. You gain a better understanding of hoof function through his clear, concise delivery, supported by graphic illustrations and his open, easygoing nature:

2. Carole’s ‘Fireside Chat’ with Monty Roberts

Monty’s 80+ years on the planet continue to embrace extensive travel, interesting relationships and unwavering commitment to improving the lives of horses and humans. This fun webinar will leave you uplifted and inspired:

3. Why Horses Can’t Go Barefoot, with Dr. Tomas Teskey

Dr.Tomas Teskey delivers an in-depth look at horse physiology. He explains overall horse care requirements, both physically and psychologically, including dentistry and its effect on horses’ hoofs: