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Staying Alive with Horse Hoof Boots

You should enjoy this one.  It certainly touches our hearts as just one of the many fabulous endorsements we receive everyday.

Hi Folks –  I couldn’t resist sharing the attached pictures of one of our old bats.  Sarah is at least 30 and was rescued from a feed lot where she was abandoned when the kill buyers wouldn’t even take her.  Her right front knee was fractured at some point and she has significant arthritis and NO range of motion. She is pretty tender footed and, living in Northwestern Washington, we have lots of stray rocks.  Since she can’t bend the knee backwards shoes are not an option. lol…our farrier gets down on his hands and knees to trim her!  The answer…Cavallo boots!!  Without the boots we would have to euthanize Sarah just because we wouldn’t be able to keep her feet comfortable.  With the boots she runs and plays with the other mares and has pretty good quality of life.  Even with the bad knee she can buck with the best of them!!

Sarah and all of Bedlam Farm says thanks!!!

Melanie R. Baird
Bedlam Farms

So remember, when we use your testimonial you get a free gift from Cavallo!

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