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  • Getting a Handle on Things – Respectfully

    Horse Handling & Riding Styles I still find it mildly amusing when people joke about how badly behaved their horse is, how he constantly invades their space, won’t stand still and drags the owner around. They think this is hilarious and laugh it off because he is okay to ride most of the time. They…

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  • Cavallo Rhythm of the Ride

    Patterns of repeated sounds and silences create rhythm.  A rhythm has a steady beat.  Since you have surely listened to music if not also played an instrument or sang, you’re very familiar with the nature of rhythm – long and short beats, fast and slow tempos. A single piece of music can incorporate many different…

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  • Are You a Sack of Potatoes?

    Why is riding the correct way so important? I am often asked why I continue to study this. My first response is to say that I like to improve my skills and better understand both mine and my horse’s body mechanics, but I always follow this up with, “And to ensure I am riding in…

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