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  • Building Trust

    Trust: the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest and will not harm you. A trust is something committed or entrusted to one’s care for safekeeping. So, do you trust your horse? Does your horse trust you? I have seen my share of fine horses over the years and as I get a…

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  • Treating Lameness

    Managing lameness and rehabilitating an injured horse is something we have all had to consider. Recently two articles appeared in the same national publication that tracked the stories of attempted re-hab of two different high profile performance horses. The stark variance in outcome is something that some would just accept as the luck-of-the-draw. There is…

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  • Are You a Sack of Potatoes?

    Why is riding the correct way so important? I am often asked why I continue to study this. My first response is to say that I like to improve my skills and better understand both mine and my horse’s body mechanics, but I always follow this up with, “And to ensure I am riding in…

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  • Hoof Moisture Balance – A Natural Approach

    By Carole Herder Do you oil or condition?? Did you know that 90% of the moisture required for the hoof wall comes from within the blood and lymph vessels?  Moisture balance is extremely important to healthy hooves. It is the moisture, made up of water and salts and electrolytes, which ensures that the tubules (hollow…

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  • White Line Disease

    By Carole Herder A friend of mine rang me in a panic recently and said she had a photo to send of her horse’s hoof and could I take a look. See below. ‘Looks like White Line Disease’, I messaged her back. She was horrified. Not only did she keep her horse barefoot, but he…

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  • Cavallo Boots In Deep Mud

    Cavallo Sport boots did not come off! Tuesday (Aug 12, 2014) I went on a trail ride with my Rocky Mtn horse (Harley) wearing his front Cavallo Sport boots, which had 20+ miles on them at this point. We had received 3-4 inches of rain in the 3 days prior so the terrain was VERY…

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