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  • Your Horse Is Listening…

    There are several energetic, magnetic and otherwise compelling frequencies in the universe, some we can hear or feel and many we can’t – or at least humans can’t. Horses communicate with one another through subtle sounds and movements, many of which we can witness and some that we cannot. Certainly they whinny and snort to…

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  • Are You a Sack of Potatoes?

    Why is riding the correct way so important? I am often asked why I continue to study this. My first response is to say that I like to improve my skills and better understand both mine and my horse’s body mechanics, but I always follow this up with, “And to ensure I am riding in…

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  • Confidence Booster

    By Carole Herder How many of us have lost our confidence around horses at one time or another over the years? How many of us have doubted our relationship with horses, have sworn we would never ride again, have promised to sell everything and build a swimming pool? I’m sure there are very few who…

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