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  • Cavallo Hoof Boots for Arthritis Lameness
    A Pastern Joint Injury Left him with Arthritis…

    Gunner is a 10 year old Quarter horse, and he’s the sweetest-natured animal I’ve ever had.  A pastern joint injury left him with arthritis…  Here is his story: Unfortunately, he had a previous owner who didn’t care for him very much.  I knew Gunner before and after the injury that changed the course of his…

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  • Image of Carole Herder's horses Slash and Dot laying down together in the winter months.
    Horses in Winter Conditions

    Horses in Winter Conditions have certain things they must deal with. I am not talking about winter in Florida, or even Northern California. I am talking about real winter. Winter Conditions when everything freezes, including you. Winter conditions when you muster every ounce of courage to get out there, yet again, and care for your…

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  • To Blanket Or Not To Blanket?

    By Carole Herder To blanket or not to blanket – that is the question. That time of year is coming around again, the season is changing, the days are getting cooler and the nights are getting colder. All I see is horsey people running in and out to the paddocks and barns, taking blankets off,…

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