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Please enjoy my gifts to you. I hope my books help you and your horse on your barefoot & booted journey!

Cavallo Barefoot Trim Handbook

The Cavallo Barefoot Trim Guide

A Guide for Keeping Horses in their Natural Barefoot State. Written by Cavallo President, Carole Herder and Veteran Farrier turned Expert Trimmer, Lynn Seeley.

There Are No Horseshoes In Heaven

There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven

This international best-seller by Cavallo President, Carole Herder, exposes the passé ways of thinking that have impacted our horses. This book examines a horse’s natural way of being and shows how small changes in our husbandry can yield big results.

Hoof Prints on the Journey

Hoof Prints on the Journey

Beautifully written and graphically engaging, Carole Herder’s book is dedicated to courageous horse owners who are committed to knowledge and understanding of natural methods to elevate the health of their horses. 

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Wishing you many happy trails,

– Carole

Carole Herder Cavallo Hoof Boots Signature