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  • Cavallo Simple Hoof Boots - Laminitis and hard ground
    Soften the Impact of Hard Winter Ground

    Soften the Impact of Hard Winter Ground We were thrilled to get a message all the way from Estonia and, guess what? Even though they are far across the ocean they still deal with the same issues we do in North America. This poor horse wrangled Laminitis and is now braving the hard, frozen, Winter…

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  • Cavallo Hoof Boots for Arthritis Lameness
    A Pastern Joint Injury Left him with Arthritis…

    Gunner is a 10 year old Quarter horse, and he’s the sweetest-natured animal I’ve ever had.  A pastern joint injury left him with arthritis…  Here is his story: Unfortunately, he had a previous owner who didn’t care for him very much.  I knew Gunner before and after the injury that changed the course of his…

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  • Cavallo CLB Bling Hoof Boots for Mini Horses
    A “Driving Force” Behind Mini Horse Comfort

    Safety and Peace of Mind on the Road Cavallo CLB offers safety and comfort while driving. Your mini’s hoof is well protected while on asphalt and other driving surfaces. CLB (Cute Little Boot) soles are made from reliable TPU (Thermoplastic polyurethane).  TPU is is known for its ability to grip to slick surfaces.  It also…

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