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Cavallo Laminitis Plan Series: Part 3

Cavallo Hoof Boots Laminitis Plan Series #3 image

Welcome to Your Ultimate Laminitis Guide, Part 3: Hope & Recovery

In the first part of this series, we went through a plan of what to do if you suspect Laminitis – to simply alter your daily horse care to promote health and healing, and how to navigate your horse’s recovery.

In the second part of this 3 part series, we learned more about using Cavallo Hoof Boots to manage Laminitis. 

Now, in your Cavallo Laminitis Plan Part 3, we’re going to share stories with you of hope and recovery after Laminitis. The last story on this page is particularly thorough, with heartfelt words directly from the owner of a very special horse who has found a sound way of living!

"Is there hope for my horse after Laminitis?"

Carole Herder with Monty Roberts

I had the honor of being a guest on Horsemanship Radio, and my host and long-time friend, Debbie Loucks (daughter of Monty Roberts), interviewed me. In this episode, I talk about how Laminitis is curable with proper, realistic, and appropriate information. Listen to my interview HERE!

"Do you have any videos I can watch about Laminitis?"

I’ve made several short videos to help navigate your horse’s Laminitis diagnosis and recovery.

This first video explains what’s happening inside your horse’s hooves when affected by Laminitis. I talk about a Laminitic horse’s unique needs regarding diet, herd connection, stress reduction, and hoof care:

In my second video, I explain hoof function in detail, helping you understand how a healthy hoof bears weight:

BigWig's Laminitis Recovery Story!

Bigwig the horse heals from Laminitis with the help of Cavallo Hoof Boots

Laminitis caused BigWig pain when his hoof wall separated, and his sole was penetrated. Horse owner Margaret Warner from the UK says Cavallo Hoof Boots helped her horse recover:

My horse, BigWig, has had Laminitis and been on box rest for weeks. X-rays revealed sole penetration, so even walking out of stable was very painful. As he started to improve, l let him wander around the yard. When the Cavallo Boots arrived l put them on, and immediately, he was so much more comfortable! He has been wearing them outside the stable for about a month, and the difference is amazing. He is out for a few hours daily, and the farrier is very pleased. We hope to start ridden-work soon, so l will ride with boots.”

Frodo's Inspiring Laminitic Journey

Frodo was down for the count when his owner, UK dressage rider & trainer, Sue Grice, discovered the benefits of using Cavallo Hoof Boots. Sue knew that if she was going to keep Frodo alive, she would have to keep him moving. He was in so much pain that he was reluctant to walk and put weight on his feet. Sue got him some Cavallo BFB (Big Foot) boots and Cavallo hoof boot pads to help ease his discomfort. 

Nancy Nunke

'Kermit the Morgan' Finally Finds Comfort with Cavallos

“What a difficult journey it’s been, trying to keep my horses sound and comfortable. Kermit is my second beautiful Morgan gelding. Like Milo, my first Morgan, Kermit has the breed’s tendency to chronic low-grade laminitis caused by insulin resistance. In addition to a strict low carb diet and correct trimming, exercise is vital to keeping these horses healthy. Movement is crucial to circulation as well as lowering insulin, but a horse with sore feet doesn’t want to move. The only way to help is with a good pair of hoof boots.

If only you could have seen how depressed Kermit was before we put the Cavallo boots on him. His other boots were so big and heavy that he stepped on them, they lost shape, they wore out too fast (even the therapy boots), and they rubbed.

Afraid to Try Cavallos...

Whether you’re using hoof boots for riding over difficult terrain or for therapy for a sore-footed horse, you need a boot that stays on, stays in place, and doesn’t rub. For a laminitic horse, you also need a boot you can pad to absorb concussion. Unfortunately, there are few boots out there that meet those specifications. Between my two horses, I think I’ve tried just about every boot you can name. Some came off, some rotated sideways, some rubbed excessively, some you couldn’t put pads into, and most just wore out quickly when used for long-term therapy.

I was afraid to try Cavallos because I thought they would rub like other boots that encased the hoof. Kermit’s other boots were all out of shape, and he needed a new pair. I had run out of brands to try, so I decided to give the Cavallos a shot. I liked their shorter, smaller profile, and they sure looked easier to get on and off.

No Time to Break in Kermit's Boots!

The Cavallo’s arrived fast after I ordered them, but there was no time to break them in. Kermit needed protection. On they went, with pads and a bit of vet wrap under and around his heels for the first week. Since then, they’ve been through two “atmospheric rivers,” but they look just as good as new after all the wet, mucky weather. Best result of all: Kermit is running and playing again…and the Cavallo’s don’t budge! We’re using a little Coat Defense powder or mud, so his feet don’t get stinky. He gets a couple hours off every day…but is much happier with these boots on. Until he’s completely sound without them, we’re grateful to have found Cavallos!

I’m about to post Kermit’s story to your FB page. I should have done it earlier, but I had to groom my handsome boy a bit first before I took his picture. LOL. I didn’t even brush the Cavallo boots off. They look great all the time, even after he thunders across the field to greet me (what a joy to see). When I let his feet air out every day or two, I just knock the dirt out of the boots and give them a quick spray with a little apple cider vinegar and water.

Kermit is a little guy (14.3 hands) but he has big feet, even after a fresh trim. (My other Morgan was 14.1 and also had big feet.) Kermit’s wearing size 4 Cavallo’s, which allows just enough room for a pad or two. Thanks for swapping the size for me. You guys have the best customer service in addition to the best product!”

– Karen Morgan, Santa Cruz Horsemen’s Assn. SCCHA Newsletter Editor, and Fundraising Volunteer

And that concludes your 3 part series about Laminitis! If you missed the other two, you can access them here:

Cavallo Cares

Cavallo Hoof Boots Staff - customer service

At Cavallo, one of the most common reasons people reach out to us is for help with Laminitis. I’m proud to say that Cavallo Boots have a long, proven track record of keeping horses on their feet while healing from an attack. The relief experienced by a horse can be seen instantly. We receive emails daily thanking us for how the boots helped their horses. To say that my job makes me happy is an understatement. Every single letter that comes our way makes me smile!

Bonus Hoof Care Resources

Cavallo Hoof Bots Laminitis Guide
Download your Free Laminitis Guide:

Be sure to keep my quick and easy Laminitis Guide handy! It has all the pointers you need to help you get started using boots to help your horse.

PLUS, it contains a selection of uplifting stories from Cavallo users who have successfully rehabbed their horse with the assistance of their Cavallo Boots:  

Cavallo Hoof Boots Barefoot Trim Manual
Download your Free Barefoot Trim Manual & Video:

From age 10, Lynn Seeley had been shoeing horses. Lynn understands how the hoof affects the entire horse and went on to improve their well-being through the removal of metal shoes and trimming barefoot horses to health and soundness.

Now, with over 60 years of practice, Lynn shares his gentle trimming method through this illustrated manual and accompanying video (hosted by me!) This valuable manual should be in every horse owner’s library, either as a reference for yourself or as guidance for your Trimmer.

Get your FREE Barefoot Trim Manual: 

Find more info about using your Cavallo Hoof Boots to help your horse heal from Laminitis HERE!

Check out this Q&A article discussing how to use Cavallo Hoof Boots for horses’ hoof rehab and why veterinarians recommend them HERE. 

The Cavallo website contains research, testimonials, and FAQs to help guide you as you transition to barefoot and prepare to ride in any sport. Visit for more help, or join the discussion on Facebook. 

Sign up for Cavallo’s free newsletter and special community discounts HERE!

(Hint: For a limited time, get a 15% off coupon code as soon as you sign up for your newsletter!)

Wanna talk? Call us toll-free from the USA or Canada: 1(877)818-0037.

Carole Herder is the author of the number-one International Bestseller books There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven and Hoof Prints on the Journey. Herder has been involved in horse health since 1993. Her company, Cavallo Horse & Rider Inc., develops, manufactures, and distributes horse products in 26 countries worldwide. Herder designed and developed Cavallo Hoof Boots and Total Comfort System Saddle Pads. Providing comfort for horses is her passion. She presents educational training worldwide on the benefits of keeping horses in their natural state. Herder is an honored award recipient of the Royal Bank of Canada Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, British Columbia’s Businesswoman of The Year, and North America Enterprising Woman of The Year and a certified Chopra University yoga instructor, meditation instructor, and Ayurvedic Teacher. She is a trailblazer and a proud member of the Women Presidents Organization, supporting female entrepreneurs in every industry.

Wishing you many happy trails,

Cavallo President Carole Herder's signature
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