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  • Healing a Fractured Pastern Bone & Laminitis

    “Our horse, Benny, fractured his P2 pastern bone on the left front foot last year. He had surgery to pin the bone fragments back together, which was successful, but he then developed supporting limb Laminitis in the right front foot post-surgery. To keep both feet comfortable Benny has had to wear boots on both front…

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  • Cavallo Hoof Boots for Arthritis Lameness
    A Pastern Joint Injury Left him with Arthritis…

    Gunner is a 10 year old Quarter horse, and he’s the sweetest-natured animal I’ve ever had.  A pastern joint injury left him with arthritis…  Here is his story: Unfortunately, he had a previous owner who didn’t care for him very much.  I knew Gunner before and after the injury that changed the course of his…

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