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  • nailing metal into your horse's feet
    Nailing metal to your horse’s feet? Hoof Hints

    Nailing metal to your horse’s feet? HISTORY LESSON Horses were first shod with metal shoes 1500 hundred years ago, when horses were captured for use in battle. The confined horse’s hoof was weakened by a fetid environment and lack of movement. Limited movement meant restricted blood circulation and significant loss of nutrient supply to the…

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  • hoof care during winter
    Hoof Care During Winter Months

    Hoof Care During Winter Months You’ve had another magnificent summer with your horse. Invigorating rides, countless trips to the barn, canters through the emerald green countryside, the sun streaming, shadows through the forest, the sweet scent of horseflesh on supple leather, lazy picnic lunches as your trusty mount grazes succulent sward nearby – dips in…

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  • your healthy horse
    Your Healthy Horse

    Your Healthy Horse: The Barefoot Horse Many of us are happy to allow our horses to ‘go barefoot’. We see the benefits of a more natural program. We don’t like pounding nails into the hoof every 6 weeks. We understand that metal may not be the best composite to secure live tissue. Shoeing is expensive…

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